Monday, November 24, 2008

Isla Mujeres wildlife

We visited the government "turtle farm" where they raise and release three species of sea turtles. They had turtles of all sizes in tanks indoors and outdoors and in an ocean pen. There was also an enclosure where they put the turtle eggs to hatch out. We happened to get a ride from a taxi driver who volunteers to collect turtle eggs on the nights the turtles are laying.
Iguanas were also fairly common on the rocky southern shores.
Birds included frigate birds and several shore birds. One sandpiperish bird seemed to have adapted to picking up human food crumbs and was very bold. Grackles (great tailed?) were also very common.
On our one snorkeling outing we saw lots of pretty fish including blue ones, silver ones with yellow spots, and yellow and black striped fish.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Turtles!!!! Great pictures