Monday, February 1, 2016

Urban Birds

I don’t consider myself much of a birder, but on the flight from BWI to Vancouver, via Minneapolis/St. Paul I started reading “Subirdia” by John Marzluff and got to thinking it would be fun to count urban birds in Vancouver and Auckland to report back to book club.  The Adkins Arboretum book club is reading Subirdia for its February book. 

I left Easton a few days after the big snowstorm, Jonas, so I had put some extra bird seed out.  Although I didn’t do a formal bird count there, I can safely say that within the last two days I have seen the following.
Easton, MD - ~16000 people, downtown has lots of mature trees and shrubs in backyards and as street trees.
Barred owl
House sparrows
Mourning doves
Canada geese (flying overhead)

There were probably a couple other species too, but I wasn’t keeping track since I hadn’t started the book yet.

Okay, Vancouver birds in the order spotted.  Numbers could be low because we were downtown (lots of highrises) and it was raining and cold.
Seagulls (more than one species)
Seagull in Vancouver
Canada geese, mergansers, mallards, buffleheads and some other ducks on the waterfront

And finally Auckland.  A city of 404,000 on the water on an island in the Pacific Ocean.  Included here is downtown and an urban suburb as well as a trip to a larger park.
Seagulls (more than one species)
House sparrows
Eurasian blackbirds
house sparrow in Auckland
This is what the house sparrows were waiting for!
Fantail (at a botanical garden adjacent to a large park, a native bird!).  There were a couple other birds at the garden too, unidentified). 

So my informal survey confirms some of the key points of the book about the ubiquity of some species but also some regional adapters. I’m only part way through the book but it’s well written and includes references to a lot of urban ecology studies.


Unknown said...

A real birder might be aghast at "....and some other ducks..."

That fantail reminds me of mockingbird?
And um...what kind of milkshake concoction were you enjoying?

Sylvan said...

Yes, well I hardly ever pretend to be a real birder! The fantail was about the size of a sparrow but definitely perky like a mockingbird. The attitude reminded me a little of wren.

The milkshake is the NZ version of an ice coffee - expresso poured over ice cream and milk!