Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ah, Ravello

Ravello has been host to many famous people, many of whom raved about its beauty. We had lunch, for instance, at the hotel where David Herbert L. wrote a notorious and scandalous novel about the paramour of a noble woman. I am sure you will recognize him from his passport photo.
In all fairness, I have to admit that this is a place where people are prone to extravagance in expression. We went to one garden where the pathway was called "infinity path" and the trail we hiked this morning was called "path of the gods." Still Ravello was pretty cool.
Famous writer Gore Vidal and famous composer Richard Wagner independently said that the view from Ravello was "the best in the the world" (in the world!). The famous scholar Jake Barnes similarly said that the Ristorante Sigilgaida in Ravello "has the best ambiance in the world" -- piano playing (itself) quietly in the background, host with white dinner jacket, subservient wait staff, and a great view from a shaded terrace (photo). And these are all guys who have been around! I am embarrassed (not really) by the amount we have been spending for lunches -- more than we often spend for dinner out. Last night we had our first bottle of Brunello di Montelcino. Wow!


Sylvan said...

Lunch at Sigilgaida:
shrimp and corn salad with balsamic vinegar, zucchini with mint and olive oil, veal marsala and grilled vegetables

Unknown said...

Okay, not only do you make me jealous of your view, you make me jealous of your lunch...