Friday, September 17, 2010

Venice Kayaker

When I saw this kayaker(see photo), I figured this guy had found the trick to getting around Venice, where there are, as everyone knows, no streets. Then I tried to imagine paddling in the Grand Canal where navigating would be like trying to ride a tricycle across an eight lane highway. Not only are there no lane markings, but it is clearly permissible to travel on either side of the Canal regardless of which way one is headed. The public transport boats (vaporettos) have stops that alternate from one side of the Canal to the other, so every vaporetto is constantly weaving across the Canal. This also applies to vaporettos coming the other direction, of course, so it is a mess. This is not to mention the cargo boats (see photo) and postal carriers (see photo), barges with rocks, cranes, appliances, Guinness (!). One last beautiful photo, Sylvan with a glass of white, prior to our touring glass factories in Murano.

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