Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Plant Sale

I know those of you who work or volunteer at the Arboretum are preparing for the plant sale by now and I wanted you to know that the weekend after the Arboretum's plant sale, the Santa Fe Botanic Garden is having its second annual plant sale! The Botanic Garden here has 2 employees and 100 or so volunteers. They have plans for a new garden on Museum Hill in Santa Fe, but currently manage two natural areas outside of town, a wetland and a mountain (see posting on Ortiz Mountain) where they have educational programs. On Friday I drove up to the Seeds of Change farm (some of you may know their catalog, they specialize in organic seeds), with Fran, a new employee at the Garden who is in charge of the plant sale. The farm let us (Fran, the director of the botanic garden and 10 other volunteers) dig up as many perennials as we wanted for the plant sale. They had a nice potting area with soil mixed up for us, so we dug and potted up about 125 plants. Seeds of Change is looking after them for the Garden until the plant sale. Fran convinced me to be in charge of organizing the plants at the plant sale, so I'll be keeping in practice after all! The plant sale relies entirely on donations of plants and they aren't all native plants. I think the biggest challenge will be identifying everything!

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