Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Santa Fe Weather

A huge rain and hail storm has just passed by with probably more rain than Santa Fe has seen in several months. Rainfall here though is extremely localized. We could have gotten rain here and a mile down the road will be perfectly dry. In flatter areas and from the hilltops you can see rain showers traveling.

Generally clouds have been building up in the afternoon and then evaporate again by nightfall. In June, Santa Fe had 0.04 inches of rain, so just because there are clouds does not mean that there is rain! Then there is the phenomenon of virgas – rain that falls but evaporates before reaching the ground. Despite clouds, I don’t think the humidity has ever reached above 50% and most of the time it is less than 30%.

The sun shines very brightly, but if you are in the shade it feels cool. Temperatures have been in the low 90s during the day and mid 50s at night. In the sun, it feels hot, but sweat evaporates. Because of this, you have to be very careful to drink a lot of water. I always feel like July and August are truly the hottest months of summer, so we’ll see if this great high altitude weather lasts!

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