Sunday, May 25, 2008

Away at last!

After a rushed morning of final house cleaning and attempting to load the car with our remaining belongings, we set forth for Syracuse, NY on Saturday. There was just enough space behind the driver's seat for Calla, the dog, to curl up on her pillow and no view out the back window. It was a gorgeous Saturday morning and the ride was passed pleasantly and uneventfully. No highway construction since it is Memorial Day weekend!

We got to Syracuse a little after 4pm in time for my mom and me and Calla to take a nice walk around my old high school, just down the street from my parent's house. Tess, their dog, has gotten too old to walk more than a very short ways, but Calla seemed to remember the route. Both dogs seem to remember each other and have their respective pillows set up in the kitchen in front of the fireplace.

This morning we walked around Green Lakes, a state park nearby that features a meromictic lake - a lake deep enough that the water at the bottom never mixes. This is the same kind of lake as the one in Africa that turned over suddenly releasing a cloud of carbon dioxide that killed 1700 people people around the lake. Green Lake seemed quite peaceful as usual and beautiful with its aqua green color and exceptionally clear waters. The slopes around the lake are covered with many ferns including maidenhair and cinnamon fern and spring flowers like foamflower and miterwort were in bloom. I've been walking around Green Lakes ever since I was in high school, and unfortunately the edges of the paths are increasingly home to black swallowort and garlic mustard. This is also one of the few places where common barberry still grows and its yellow flowers are now in bloom.

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