Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sunday in Barcelona

Jake and I took a stroll down to the harbor at the end of Las Ramblas stopping for a coffee and pastry at Cappucino, across Las Ramblas from where we were staying.  Lots of people were out jogging and walking their dogs.  Joe and Sabrina were up by the time we got back and we decided to head to the beach.  We took the metro out to the former Olympic village just past Barceloneta. There is a huge marina there with lots of sailboats and yachts.  We watched one sailor skillfully back his 40+ foot boat into a narrow space between two other sailboats with no hesitation.  Since Joe (who has a captaain’s license) was impressed, I was doubly impressed.  We strolled along the beach commenting on the differences in European versus American bathing prudishness and watching the volleyball games, touch football and a very fit assortment of people doing exercises on some gym equipment (like upside down pushups suspended from two bars or pulling yourself into a handstand on a bar.)The abs these people have! 

It was all so exhausting to watch that we decided to have a leisurely lunch at one of the many restaurants lining the beach.  A bottle of albarino and seafood fixed grilled and as ceviche proved quite relaxing.  We strolled back to the Barceloneta metro station through the old village streets.  The fishermen and their families used to live here, I’m not sure if they still do or not.  Sunday seemed to be laundry day as every balcony was festooned with clothing and sheets.  Back in the old city center we found a church with an excellent collection of gargoyles.  The narrow, far from straight line streets were very picturesque. 

View from Olympic Park

Green roof

Leisure at the beach

Unicorn gargoyle

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In the evening we wandered through a more working class neighborhood with lots of Turkish and Pakistani places (El Raval).  We stopped for a glass of wine, some grilled padron peppers and pan con tomate at a hip looking cafĂ© off a small plaza.  We had made reservations for dinner at a UltraMarinos on Las Ramblas just down the street from our apartment (right near the opera).  It was an interesting space where the white tiled walls and columns were covered in small graffiti presumably made by the restaurants patrons.  The back part of the restaurant had a huge disco ball and large bar.  But their food was recommended including the paella.  We all shared a small greek salad that had really good fried chickpeas as a garnish.  We ordered two paellas – a black (squid ink) seafood paella and a chicken and beef paella.  Both were pretty good but at home we tend to add a lot more of the goodies compared to the amount of rice.  


Wallace Kaufman said...

I feel like I've put on 10 or 15 lbs just reading your commentary, but I didn't feel that I lost any when you described the beach exercise routines.

Sylvan said...

Funny, I feel the same way.