Sunday, March 6, 2016

Andy Warhol and Ai Wei Wei

On Saturday we went to the special exhibit at the Victoria Art Gallery featuring Andy Warhol and Ai Wei Wei.  I wasn’t particularly interested in Warhol, nor before visiting could I figure out why they were pairing them up for an exhibition.  But it became very clear and fascinating in the exhibition.  Both test the boundaries of what is acceptable in art in their respective cultures and include themselves in their art.  They are/were both fascinated with the social media of their day. And they both had similar themes in their art in particular mass production and popular culture.  I found Ai Wei Wei’s story about taking on oppressive forces and standing up for what you believe in particularly moving and motivational in this (US) political election season.  I still can’t quite fathom though how the US seems to have a grass roots movement in support of Bernie Sanders and another in support of Donald Trump.  Moving to Canada is not the answer even if they do have a really cute liberal prime minister!
Ballons of birds and 'grass mud horses' - the alpaca-like animal became an internet meme in China and symbolized government opposition.  You can read about it on wikipedia.
Forever Bicycles by Ai Wei Wei
Both artists were captivated by flowers
Detail of porcelain flowers in Ai's piece.
Ai Wei Wei was kept under house arrest for a time in China and each day he would put a new bouquet of flowers in a bicycle basket and post the photo on the internet.


CarolJ said...

Interesting how universal themes can arise parallel in different cultures. Did they know or know of each other?

CarolJ said...
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Sylvan said...

Ai Weiwei definitely knew about Warhol, but I'm not sure if Warhol knew about Weiwei.

BTW, they both loved cats!