Saturday, January 26, 2013

Birds and Wildlife of the Pampas

There seemed to be a huge number of birds in the pampas, but many were variations of what you might see in the U.S. - flickers, a robin-like bird, mockingbird, herons.  They were different enough though that your ordinary bird seemed exciting to see.  And then there are the raucous flocks of parrots.  We got a good view of a grey fox, probably the pampas fox, along the driveway.  We saw several flattened armadillos.  In the marshes along the road from Sierra de la Ventana to Buenos Aires, there were lots of birds including rheas, a flamingo, black ibis (not sure which species), great egret, cattle egrets, at least two types of herons, numerous large storks or maybe Jabirus, but unfortunately few safe places to pull over to photograph them.  Also not photographed were some other hawks and the southern caracara.

Domestic animals included cows, sheep, and horses.  Pets included Simone, a border collie and working dog, and Pancho, who unlike Simone knew how to let himself into the covered patio area that led to the kitchen.  There were two housecats around too, but they were not especially friendly.
American kestrel

Panchito, house dog

Large flattish toad

fork-tailed flycatcher

Field flicker

Simone, working dog

Pampas grey fox
Polled Herefords, e.g. dinner

Small red bird with black wings

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