Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today I have brought home my first set of foster kittens! I am in charge of 4 little black kittens for a few weeks until they find good homes. I am currently sitting in my office with the doors closed while they explore their new home and play with each other and any other loose object in the room. I haven't been able to get a photo of all of them in one place yet! Felines and Friends loaned me a great play crate and all necessary supplies. My mom donated a few cat toys and I've been making some paper balls from the recycling bag - surprised they haven't been in that yet.

They were supposed to have been spayed/neutered today, but the vet decided they were still too young, so I guess I'll have them until they are old enough to go back to the vets at least. After their operations they will go to Petco during weekend days for adoption.

Their names are Mija, Jet, Onyx and Boo. Mija is the most adventurous so far having twice climbed to the top of the play crate. Jet was probably named for his very loud purr. Boo has a little more gray fur than the others and is a little smaller. Still need a personality trait for Boo and Onyx. Jet is a boy and the rest are girls. They are identifiable because each has a paper collar around their neck with their name on it!

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